Friday, November 15, 2013



 I like this picture because of the crispness, and because the spider webs that are scattered throughout the diamonds making up the trashcan. I like that the pattern is prominent, and you can't really tell that it is a trash can at first glance.

This photo is an example of breaking the pattern. There are two feet that are wearing black converse, and one foot with white. I like this picture because I like converse shoes, and I like the angle. The grass contrasts well with the shoes and so does the pink sock.

 I enjoy this picture because there is no blur, and it contrasts well with the background. There is a slight depth of field, which makes it look cooler. I also love the leaves of this plant.

I really like this picture. It is the shadow of a gate, and since it is a shadow, it is slanted. I like the cracked concrete underneath and I like the repetition of the bars of the gate. I actually had to photoshop out all of the leaves that were on the shadow because I liked it better without the leaves.

A skill that I feel I have learned well is angles, and how to use photoshop. I have been using way more angles in my images because I want to give them a new perspective tat hasn't been thought of before. As for photoshop, considering I was the photo editor of my middle school yearbook, I already knew a lot. But all of the tutorials and walkthroughs have broadened my knowledge of the program. I have already learned so many new things and I enjoy it very much. For our next project, my goal is to be proud of every image I submit. I want to struggle to choose the best because they are all so good. I want to put all my effort and skill into every photo. Mr. Pedersen has always helped me succeed since I have been in this class. He always explains everything very thoroughly and I appreciate that. I am always understanding what has to be done and that is what helps me succeed.

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