Thursday, November 7, 2013

Photoshop Tutorials

Animal/Human Hybrid

For this photo, I transformed myself into a panda. To do so, I took my eyes and face and cut them out of the original photo, and pasted them onto the photo. From there, I used the transform option to adjust the size and rotation of the separate layers. I enjoyed fitting my facial features to the panda because it looks very funny.

 For this one, I took the features of my face and put them on the photo of the turtle. From there, I adjusted the placement of the layers and also transformed my mouth to make it flatter and more fitting. I made my eyes bigger than they originally were to cover the eyes of the turtle. My favorite part of crafting the image was seeing how funny it looked after.

Half Human Half Animal

To make this picture, I took a photo of a dog that looked like it was smiling, which fit best considering I was smiling too. To fit it to my face, I masked the layer of the dog and took out the body. Then, I transformed it to my face and adjusted the mask some more. I created a half-dog half-human version of myself.

To make this half-tiger half-human version of myself, I took a photo of a tiger and transformed it to fit my face. This took quite a lot of transforming because the tiger's nose placement did not fit mine. After the transforming, I masked the photo and removed all of the parts I did not need. Then, my morph was complete. I enjoyed morphing the tiger's face because it was cool to see it transform into my face.


To make this "sketched" like photo, I first desaturated the picture (made it black and white), and then I inverted the picture on a new layer. After inverting, I changed the mode to color dodge, and then applied a gaussian blur to the inverted photo. After that, I played around with layers and opacity and came out with this. My favorite part of crafting this image was the outcome, because it look really cool.

To make this picture, I used the same method as described in the last picture. I desaturated the photo, and then inverted the picture. After I inverted it, I changed the mode to color dodge, and then used the gaussian blur filter to make it look better. I also changed the opacity to make it look the best possible. I liked the way this picture turned out because it looks different then the previous photo, but still looks pretty cool.

To make this photo, I did it it the same way in the previous two photos. I made it black and white, and then inverted it. After I inverted it, I made the color mode 'color dodge', and then applied the gaussian blur effect. I then played with the opacity to make it look good. I enjoyed crafting this photo because the outcome was worth it.

Vintage Photo Effect

To make this vintage picture, I added a gradient map and then changed the opacity. After that, I added an inner shadow. Next, I added a gradient overlay. After that I added texture, which was suggested in the tutorial. Of course, when I pasted the layer of texture, I changed the opacity to make it see through and not block the photo. After that, I added a few more tweaks with the opacity and layers and this is how it turned out. This was a cool tutorial because I got to see that you can hand make a filter on photoshop instead of just choosing a filter on instagram.

For this picture, I used the same method as the one above, but there was a big difference, and that was that my photo was taken further away, and the lighting was darker too. I am still happy with the way it turned out because I love the texture of the picture. This was cool to make because the outcome was nice.

For this photo, I used the same method as the first one as well. But what I did differently was the texture. When I transformed it, I made it bigger so the scratch marks would be bigger too. I also made the opacity lower and that was the difference from the other photos. Also, it is not a person. I like the way this came out because I like the original photo.

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