Monday, October 21, 2013



2. I thought the most challenging part of this assignment was finding different angles to shoot from. Since my object was only a can of soup, I had to improvise and be very creative with my photos. If all of the photos of the can were shot from straight on, they would all look the same. It was very important that I used different angles and backgrounds.



1. I believe this is my strongest shot because it is very clear what the main subject of the photo is. It is strong because it is in focus and the background is blurred. The depth of field is very clear.


3. This photo was a good idea, but a poor execution. The shadow on the right side of the picture takes away from the main subject; the can of soup. If this were cropped, or the shadow was removed, it would look a lot better, and the main subject of this photo would be clear.

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