Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Photo Analysis


This is a very nice photo. I am not able to tell if it has been edited or not, but either way, it is an appealing photo. The colors are warm and inviting and the picture could have a deeper meaning. If so, it could be that the "person's" wishes are coming true. However we do not know if it is being blown by the wind or by a person. And how the sun is lined up perfectly with the sun in phenomenal.

This picture uses long exposure. If you are not able to tell, this is a light house. A light house spins around, and would normally not shine light in all directions. With the long exposure, it creates an image that almost looks like the sun, and the moon is peeking through overcast clouds in the background. This just looks so cool yet it is unique, nothing like I have seen before.

This picture takes my breath away. I find it so appealing because of the way you don't even know what it is at first. When you look at the sand and the ocean, you realize that it is sea foam. I love it because it is such a different perspective. When you look at the ocean from your own eyes, this is an image you will not see. And the way it is focused is perfect. 

I am not sure if this is photo-shopped or not, but it still looks great. The fact that someone could capture this blows my mind. Where were they? Under the giraffe? Did the giraffe interact with the photographer? And the sky and clouds look perfect, they contrast with the giraffe's yellow skin quite well.

This picture draws you in. At first, you may not realize the airplane shadow and the cool rainbow light effect around the shadow. My questions are, how was this taken? From a helicopter? From the plane? If it was taken from the plane, how is it so clear?

The way this photo was edited is great. Again, I am not sure if this has been photoshopped to have it's arm around its parent, but I wonder how this was captured, and where it was captured.  Was it in Africa? And what time? Because the wheat in the background just glows.

This picture is very interesting. At first, you cannot even tell what it is! Who knew that you could see little flowers within a big one? This photo is cool because this is something you would not usually see with your own eyes. 

 You really have to wonder if this was real. It appeals to me because the Aurora lights are so green and vibrant, and it looks like longer exposure because of the way the stars are drawn out a bit. I love how the tent looks so casual, like it was just made on the spot. 

This photo appeals to me because of the fear factor. I would be scared if I were in that car, and it so strange how the cheetahs/jaguars just take over the car. Where was the photographer? He must have been far away. I would not feel safe if I took this photo because the animals could possibly come after you when you're done! 

I love this photo because the vibrant colors just draw me in. It's legs are so long, and the photographer must have had a pretty long lens to capture this without scaring it away. The orange of it's feet and arms, the purple on its legs, and the red eyes just pop. And the leaf is glimmering in the light.

This is another cool example of long exposure. At first sight, you really have no clue what it is. It looks almost like a roller coaster of light, and the lights below look really cool as well. I can't help but wonder how they took this. Perhaps a laser pointer and a lot of patience?

This picture really appeals to me because I have to wonder, where does this path lead to? And the way it is so symmetrical is strange. It looks whimsical, like nothing I have seen before. Almost like it is out of a book. I would love to know where this was taken and visit sometime. 

This photo appeals to me because I love dogs. Their shadows are like silhouettes, the way the sun is shining. The sky looks unreal, and so does the sun glimmering on the ocean. This photo is beautiful, and every bit of it is perfect. The waves crashing in the background really add to it as well.

This is my favorite picture of all the ones on this page. It is so unreal, that it is amazing. It is spooky, the way the sky fades to purple and the dead trees are silhouettes to the vibrant sky. The full moon may symbolize "were wolves", which also send out a creepy vibe. Imagine being alone in this forest, You would be scared I bet.

This really is a perfect picture. The clouds form so nicely, and you can practically feel the heat radiating off the hot asphalt road. I love the way the street is faded, and the yellow lines are not perfectly straight. It really gives you the feeling that you are on a road trip, and maybe stuck in the middle of nowhere.

This photo is just weird. It appeals to me because it makes me think of something supernatural, like aliens, or an abduction. How they got the light to shine right on the rock is really cool. What is special about the rock? Why is it like the chosen one? It leaves me wanting answers, which is always a good thing. This photo definitely looks like something out of a fantasy book.

The main photo of this subject is definitely the focus of the owl. There is such determination in the owl's eyes and it is really quite scary. I wonder just what the owl was going for. An animal? This is cool because there is no distractions, it is all about the owl. 

This picture is amazing. I am not sure if it was shot by a bb gun, or how. But they must have had a really good lens. Because for most people, if they tried to do that, it would fail terribly. I have to respect the person who took this because it takes skill to take a picture like this.

 The main subject of this photo are the generators. The sky looks so starry and is probably fake, but it looks really nice and it appeals to me. This almost looks like it's on a planet in outer space, because the sky is so starry and there is light on the field; it's not dark. This is overall an amazing photo, whether it is photo shopped or not.

There is something so lovely about this photo. There is a soft filter on it, but it just looks so innocent and sweet. This picture makes me feel like life is easy. The clouds look so soft and the paper plane is just soaring. This really is one of my favorite pictures.

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