Thursday, January 30, 2014



This is an example of architectural framing, because the pole is attached to the building. This is a strong photo because the pole leads you straight to the main subject; which is Cindy. The focus is clear, which is why I like this image. To take this picture, my camera was on AV mode, although there is no specific technique that depended on the settings of the camera. 


To take this picture, Noelia stood on the other side of a chair, and I zoomed in so the triangle hole in the back of the chair lined up with her head. I had no specific skills or settings to take this, and I believe it is a strong photo because the focus is Noelia. There are no distractions, and that is my


To take this photo, Paulina backed up far away from me, and then I held my hand up as if I were squishing her. I had no problems with taking this photo, expect for in some of the pictures I took, my hand did not line up right with Paulina. I think this is a very strong photo and my hand look lined up perfectly, like I really am holding her. 

I believe that my strongest photo in this set is the photo of me holding Paulina in my hand. It is strong because everything is in focus, and it really looks like I am holding her! The frame works well and has the right amount of lighting. 
The problems that I had during this assignment were mostly finding unique frames. It is hard to find architectural frames, because there are only so many buildings. Being creative was the key to this assignment. I overcame my problems by thinking outside of the box, and looking at things with a different perspective. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


To take this photo, I took a picture of Cindy walking and followed her with the camera. The shutter speed was 1/80, which was not very high. That allowed the background to slightly blur and Cindy to stay in focus. The challenge with panning is making sure that the subject is in focus, NOT the background.
To take this image, I had a shutter speed of  1/40, which blurred the background, and focused Mr. P on the bike. I just followed him as he rode and the background was blurred because I focused on him.

For this picture, I followed the three runners with my camera. I focused on James before they started running, therefore James is the one who is mostly in focus. This was challenging because I had to take the image before they started running, because my shutter speed was so low to allow panning. 
To take this photo, I followed Mr. P as he did a funny walk. My shutter speed was 1/40, so the background is very blurry, as well as his feet are slightly blurred. This was hard because I did not have many tries to get this image.